
APIPOL propolis ointment

The ointment contains propolis tincture embedded in the proper grease base.

Propolis extract has proven anti-inflammatory, anti- bacterial, antiviral, anti-mycotic and regenerative effect on skin cells. With its characteristics of a natural antioxidant it prevents ointment spoilage and contributes to the effects mentioned above.

Apipol propolis ointment is recommended for :-

Enhance healing of small injuries, scratches and skin wounds
• Burns healing and for sun burns
• Relaxing of irritated skin after long solarization(bed sore )
• Removing of fungus infections between toes , on nails and body
• Preventing and smoothening of diaper rash
• Speeding up of healing and superinfectionwith herpes
• Scratch reduction and irritation with broken capillaries & enhancing venous track
• Smoothening of rough skin on elbows and heels
• smoothening of jelly fish burns, insects stingsand wigs.

For external use only! Apply the ointment onto the problem area two to three times per day.

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